Snowmania Slots

Snowmania Slots

Snowmania Slots is about as close as you will get to an officially licensed Frozen slot, but with a little more heart and soul. Taking a classic premise and combining it with classic gameplay, Snowmania Slots relies entirely on production values to get by, which makes for a well rendered game with lots of heart. Everything about this game is Christmas themed, which may turn a minority of people off, but we still feel that the end product here is very endearing and lovable, so much so that a wide variety of people will enjoy it. For that reason, we recommend everything at least giving Snowmania Slots a try to see for themselves. If you like the art style as much as we do, as well as Christmas, then you will love it.


As stated, Christmas is the theme of the game here, for better and worse. Tying a holiday to a game does have the side effect of making it feel 'weird' to play it when it is not in season, but at the same time, if you love the season as much as we do, you will love it year round.

The star of the show here is the snowman rather than Santa Clause, but you can easily switch him out and it would not change a whole lot of anything about it.


This is an expertly drawn and crafted game that makes you feel good to look at, and a lot of time clearly went into making that happen. Even the UI looks amazing, drawn to be a part of the experience and not as an afterthought. The illustration style is crisp, clear, vivid, and colorful, which we find to be compelling with every turn of the reels. The only awkward part of the presentation is the choice of a pink scarf on the snowman, but that is more a matter of taste than anything else. This is a gorgeous game, and our snow caps are off to the developers for that.


Here, Snowmania Slots falters a little, but not by much. There really is not much here that you would not find in the grand majority of slots on the market. It is a 5 reel slot with 20 pay lines, and not much beyond the genre that is not standard. Multipliers go up to 5 along the top as you play, and look very pretty as they do, but there is nothing here that you have not seen before elsewhere a million times. Extra wins and free spins abound as you might expect, which is nice, but again, nothing you have not seen before.


+ Expert illustration style + Endearing theme + Inventive use of Christmas imagery all year round + Accessible


- Standard gameplay - Holiday theme feels weird the hotter the weather around you gets


Snowmania Slots does its best to make a Christmas themed game fun all year round. And for the most part, it succeeds. The art style is great, the things you match are well chosen, and it is all well rendered enough to be part of a feature animated film. Where the game falters, however, are in the choice of a holiday for the theme and not simply snow related things, as well as gameplay that does little to stand out above the crowd when it comes to this genre. We love this game, and think many will too, but go into it knowing that and temper your expectations. We recommend everyone giving Snowmania Slots a try, and feeling a bit of the Christmas cheer as your wallet grows throughout all months of the year.