Shopping Spree 2 Slots

Shopping Spree 2 Slots
Shopping Spree 2 Slots is a girlie take on luxury and winnings that most people will still be able to enjoy because of the love and care clearly evidenced by its execution. Featuring high production values, a cartoony look, and a certain amount of enthusiasm in the way it plays out that is mildly contagious, Shopping Spree 2 Slots works very well on all fronts despite not trying particularly hard to innovate in any one of them. If you are the type of person that likes quick play throughs and decent pay outs, and plans to spend their earnings on the types of wears featured on the reels, Shopping Spree 2 Slots is the game for you.


The sequel to the moderately popular Shopping Spree Slots, Shopping Spree 2 Slots is all about buying really expensive things to impress your friends and feel like a star. A lot of slot games allude to what players would do with their winnings, but Shopping Spree 2 puts that on center stage. Everything found is fairly in line with what you would find at a high end mall or fashion outlet, giving it an aura of sophistication that more mundane slots featuring bags of money and babes never manage to capture.


This is a great looking game. Even though we ourselves probably would never spend our slot winnings on million dollar shoes, everything in this game is rendered with enough care to make us feel like we should.

The professional quality to the illustrations extends into the background and UI elements as well, which is a welcome breath of fresh air. Most slot games have decent or above average visuals, which when coupled with UI elements that look like they were made by somebody using photoshop for the first time, makes for an odd juxtaposition. Not here, however, with backgrounds that are entirely fluid with the quality and content of what is found everywhere else. This gives Shopping Spree 2 Slots a very solid, cohesive feel that most slot games slot. This does not feel like a cheap flash game. It feels more like a high end game that might even grace a game console.


This is where the game is somewhat average, which is not a bad thing. The 5 reel, 25 play line mechanics are standard for a reason. They work, they are accessible, they are fun, and they allow players to immerse themselves quickly into thoughts of winning money and spending it. Bets range from .25 cents to $2.25, making this accessible to all players, while potentially not making anyone break the bank on the higher end. This urges long play sessions, which we enjoy, rather than feeling like we just plopped down our day’s wages for only a few scant spins.

The progressive jackpot here is the progressive jackpot, however, which will have players hoping to match diamond symbols all around in hopes of being able to afford some of their own.


+ Wonderful graphics + Fitting theme + Sequel that out does the original + Great UI


- Little gameplay innovation


We do not have much bad things to say about Shopping Spree 2 Slots, which echos our thoughts on the original. Managing to outdo it in nearly every way, this is a top notch, high production experience that feels classy and plays well. You will definitely get lost as the reels keep going, hoping for the progressive jackpot, and being enthralled with the idea of winning any of the various trinkets on display that have an aura of class to them. Give it a try, and go to a fancy mall after to spend all the dough you won!