Samba Sunset Slots

Samba Sunset Slots
Samba Sunset Slots is a solid game that we are not quite sure what to make of when it comes to the themes and art style. It is an odd sort of game that you will likely either love or hate. It looks like a lot of care went into the presentation, but the theme will likely be polarizing for many, as well as how it all came together. There is nothing wrong with Samba Sunset Slots in the slightest, but we found ourselves somewhat torn between how we felt about it. The gameplay being nothing of note does not help either. If you give it a try, you will likely know right away whether you love or hate it. If you do love it, however, know that this is the only slot of its kind, and will likely be your favorite.


Dance and all things associated with it, including a somewhat South American flare, are what Samba Sunset is all about. It is all one big party, from what you match to what various characters are wearing. It combines elements from various things related to this genre, and does so in a way that likely works well if you are into that. We personally feel somewhat apathetic to the premise, which has an impact on our enjoyment of the game. If this strikes a cord with you, however, you will likely love it.


Samba Sunset Slots combines 3d renderings with well done illustrations and an admirable calligraphy style on the suits you will be matching. This is the main draw of the game, which will determine how good of a time you have with it. It is all crisp, clear, colorful, and vivid, though we find the abundance of various dance related themes from different cultures to be somewhat odd. We acknowledge this is a widely loved aesthetic, however, so we cannot fault them too much for it in the same way we do not hold it against others for how they like their coffee.


Here, Samba Sunset Slots is very standard. There is a Free Games Feature, as well as Extra Dancers that are added into play before each one, but that is not much to write home about on this front. Triple the prizes in the Super Games Feature is nice, but not all that impressive. At the end of the day, this is where Samba Sunset choses not to innovate, and instead be a standard 5 reel, 25 pay line slot.

Whether you love or hate this is up to you. It should also be said that this is standard to the genre as a whole.


+ Daring art style and direction + Accessible gameplay


- Not a big fan of the theme, though others will love it - Gameplay does nothing to innovate


Samba Sunset Slots is a game we acknowledge will be many people’s cup of tea, it just is not ours. Featuring daring dance themes and imagery that many people fall in love with and live for, this is a standard slot that tries to tie it all together with some 3d character renderings that to us fall kind of flat. We do think that for some, this game will be right up their alley. It is the game they have been waiting for and will love. For others, however, it will mostly just be kind of odd, despite all that went into the production values. If any of what you see of this game looks appealing to you, then what you see will be what you get. If not, then there really is not much here to draw you in or keep you playing.